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Holiday Homes within QLDC

Currently you can register your property as a ‘Holiday Home’ with Queenstown Lakes District Council (minimum stay of 3 nights; for up to 90 nights per year). But did you know, QLDC are proposing new rules for those wishing to rent their entire property for visitor accommodation. The proposed rules allow up to 28 days short-term rental a year with no more than three separate lets. It is anticipated that the proposed rules will have legal effect later this year.

Until the proposed rules have legal effect, you can continue to rent your property for ‘Visitor Accommodation’ in accordance with the current rules. Applications now will still focus on the current provisions until the proposed rules have legal effect. You can also apply for a Certificate of Compliance from the QLDC to provide a legal document confirming the lawfulness of an activity under the current district plan rules (maintaining your right to rent your property for ‘Visitor Accommodation’ up to 90 days a year).

Here is just one scenario provided by QLDC should you not register your property as a ‘Holiday Home’ & obtain Certificate of Compliance before the proposed rules take effect…

I own a second home at Jacks Point and only visit Queenstown every couple of months. How do I go about renting my property for visitor accommodation while I’m not using it?

Under the proposed rules you could continue to rent your property for up to 28 days per year consisting of no more than 3 lets. If you intend to exceed this, you’ll need a resource consent. However in Jacks Point, (as is the case with other lower intensity residential zones) exceeding the 28 day, 3 let threshold would trigger the need for a ‘non-complying’ resource consent which is likely to be difficult to obtain).

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