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Unplanned ‘Open Home’: car ploughs through Ray White Queenstown shop front

Ray White Queenstown is putting on a “different” kind of open home today after a car crashed through the shop’s front window.

The real estate branch called it a “very interesting start to the day”, in a social media post.

“Maybe an open home of a very different kind.”

Fortunately, nobody was injured in the crash and the co-owner Bas Smith and salesman Cameron Reed even posed for a photo with the driver culprit.

A police spokeswoman said they received a report at 7.17am of a Mazda Demio crashing through the front window of the business in Church St.

They would be making inquiries as to how the crash happened.

The branch’s Facebook post asked people for their thoughts on the crash.

“Holy s***, eager buyers,” one person said.

“Good of you to sponsor a freedom camping spot,” another said.

Source: NZ Herold

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