Still here to help! Our Iso-vival Guide will give you some inspo on how to pass the time and have some fun with your iso-buddies. Stay safe, stay home, stay cool.
Friday Night – Iso-date Night:
Have a Vinyl Listening Session
Keeping the vintage/retro theme of last Friday, this time it’s red wine by the turntable! Dust of your old record collection because Vinyl is cool again, especially in iso!
Playing records harks back to the days of old and they have an earthy sound, maybe because it is made of actual stuff.
If you’re like me and your record collection is made up of Queen, Elton John, The Police, New Kids on the Block and Jesus Christ Superstar you may want to venture out into the world of vinyl recordings on the internet.

The Great ’78 Project
The Internet Archive is now home to the world’s largest collection of digitized vinyl recordings, with the Great 78 Project working tirelessly to preserve, research and discover 78rpm records. This site is HEAVEN!
This project aims to bring the lesser-known recordings to the modern era, in a format that allows researchers to manipulate and study the recordings without causing any damage to the originals.
This project doesn’t want to “improve” on the recordings with remastering, but preserve them exactly as they sound.
With the Great 78 Project’s collaboration, the Internet Archive now has over 200,000 donated physical recordings. You can browse the collection by year, creator, genre and language.
Have a browse HERE